Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Darwin on Film

Break out the popcorn! To celebrate the bicentennial of Charles Darwin’s birth, a movie showcasing his private life will hit the big screen in 2009. “Annie’s Box,” written by Randal Keynes (Darwin’s great-great grandson), serves as inspiration for a close-up look at the naturalist’s private life, as a husband and a father, in the years leading up to the publication of “On The Origin of Species”. The movie will highlight Darwin’s relationship with his eldest daughter, Annie, who died at the age of 10 in 1851. Keynes believes that Darwin’s grief “influenced some of his most important ideas” and that Annie’s death contributed to his dwindling belief in Christianity (http://www.aboutdarwin.com/news/darwin_news.html).

Update: I found a few more details about the film, which has the working title, Creation. Paul Bettany will play Darwin, depicting him as someone who comes to question God’s role in life despite the views of his deeply religious wife, played by Jennifer Connelly (http://www.cinematical.com/2008/09/05/jennifer-connelly-and-paul-bettany-debate-creation/).

Roxanne Enman

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